The content of this site (www.dxer.opx.pl) includes weak information about remakes of solid state devices.



















My Theory behind Paulos.

This site is open source.

Amateur done... Just a user... Kleo... 2005-2020.

. . . . ...No one knows where the loud noise come... Is it from Gods of this nearly heaven? - I may say they want to protect us more. - Who care, the rest is nature... - Don't want to be saint anymore? - Believe, we live in medieval time... So strong we can be... but our hearts are so weak.” . . . ...


Welcome to Dxer's Site. The Old Kleo. For some of You known as Cygan Elektryk...

I wonder how to save this world. Should be kinda easy if you have governments, offices, banks, institutions spread all-over. But... Would they manage if they have false informations? Viruses in computers are everywhere. No one from big Antivirus Software Companies would tell you this, none of their soft is telling where the little ghost is...

We believed in Microsoft, than in Ubuntu. All is breaked up...

Some of the people still believe in theory: fuel->electricity. So that they are thinking power-plants still use coal for their purposes.

Normal society is divided. The believers striked up with their theories...

If you want, just read... You may understands sth. from higher filosophy. I know, ppl are interested.

Religions... nowadays believing in prophets is hard. We have new faces, new gladiators on he scene. Like fighters in the 80's... I acclaim. Its all True.

But what we can do? Can we fight? For what sake? What does it all mean?

In my opinion we should do, what we can, what we like... What is better than only surfing. Saving sites for example sounds silly.

For some only files are reasonably. Old WWW is gone...


New actors will come. New music. New serials. Maybe even newer TV, but any old man would tell this technology is enough. Like they claim in the 80's... Some of people something strange in Post-PC Era... Some of the guys are throwing away devices and start living somewhere hidden.

Nah, I believe to live without information, some utils are needed. Some information about remakes. Something bigger in the Case. Then we may start normal living in any shed. Some of the people believed Kapanadze... Who wasn't electrician, who didn't try had nothing built. Those system are expensive, hardly available. Big business this will be if another big man would produce in high-scale.

I know, this sounds silly. But if you achieved any Fe sys, you should make another one. What will be, will be. Then third and fourth. The fifth you sell for two beers. And then you may do some more, in the time while another idea is coming to you. Make notes, make schemes of what possible. Avoid errors. Then again make something new. This is only yours... Don't look how to patent this, how to register. Don't believe in big companies that they may produce this in high amount. What they wonder is how to make engine less consuming benzine oil. How to pack it and if the transports of freezers is coming good ways.

Some may wonder where the fuel after burning is gone. Into air, only abgases are there left. Oil industry is the biggest mechanism of cleaning poisons, rests and chemicals in the world. Leave it, don't fight against.

Same about batteries. Battery producers all over the world wonder how to make galvanic currents and voltages up to any shrot.



20.10.2024y. „What else you can do with paulos?”

So we have some supply part and some audio inverter part.

But look, if we would have two of such supply and two audio inverters we will do more.

In a supply we have primary side, chassis side and secondary side., which every three channels can energize independently, ok?

The fourth part is a dc part of powering which can be powered from the fourth channel, ok.?

That's my suggestion four 4 channel audio amplifier with the right huge P.S. 

How this can be done? I give it no answer for a start, but we can imagine that between our inverter outputs and energized sides need to be a right system which we gonna call channel addon or a channel afterstage.

The most complicated part is how to energize the chassis because this can be multiple inluding top cover of electrolytes, heatsinks,  case and top cover or step up trafo core and main trafo. In some condition we can insulate those parts from each other and energize them independently. The other talk is a gnd of pcb... That have a hunger for grounding.

P.s. the theory is simple though the details of get. signal isn't simple or obvious.


Hey, Ha Hi!

I've almost lost my head into amplifier addons. But I hold tight. You can see many differences while using other methods like put a trafo into the end of an amplifier rather with low voltages powering somehow what should be powered in a very different ways normally...


That's just example what compression of an amplifier can do. You can also do many other thinks, like improve 'baby function' by adding several stages of transistors between pre-amp - amp. Gathering bigger power from neutral. messing with N giving it into amp-board that sounds 'nonsense'...

Evna resign of neutral and creating yourself artificial one by an external gen... But who says its external, this can be interior.

'artificial neutral'.

Sometimes artificial phase can be empowered by dc currents. those are only minor dc parts in still AC kind of current. The part of it should be up to 10V DC I think.


I include my last strange files which I was creating while emptying another beer after beer.

Byee! Bye !

Dxer. 87.


We zoba to:

IRONIC: Setting Neutral Higher Parts Onto Live// unconnected loadly.

NONSENSE: Taking out GND from Left- and put a N into mainboard AMP.

GALVANIZE: GIVING DC stable Part into artificial phase with power. Not exactly DC, but who cares, amplitude 12V.

INCREDIBLE: OVERWHELMING Last Stages of an AMP with simple Transistors few RC... oh, and L there several mH this gives something...

-rebuild stages of amp. not many ścieżka's to cut.

GND FOR IDIOTS: To Put a Copper Rod With Coil Into Onto the same wire cable, but secondly put radiator car 3m dalej z drutem miedziuchowym gołym, al'a coś ten kineskop. Ale bym nie przesadzał, dla profesjonalizmu zakopałbym coś według wzoru.


0,5m dow.  pale  coil onto...   long wire--> into GND IN. „SECOND GROUNDING”


Best Ziemik sucker'!!s.

Awful Leon.



Everything will be allright tommorow. :-)

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