Welcome to my website dedicated to spiritual problems and the madness they lead to. Here you can download articles about schizophrenia, exorcism, demonic torment and various other dark mental states. And also my book, which I wrote for 15 years called "Demonic torment leading to madness."

I encourage you to read. You can certainly help a person in your family or yourself a lot when you feel that you are starting to be tormented by ghosts. It tells not only my story, but also advice on how to help people who are being tormented.

You can recover from schizophrenia

Even at the time when I got sick, the doctors said that schizophrenia is a lifelong disease. Which I can't agree with. Over time, they began to say that it is a chronic disease. It is also difficult to agree with this, since in most cases it consists of passing crises that appear spontaneously. Therefore, the most important thing is to learn how to deal with these crises. And I just don't let it get sick. This requires self-control as well as a complete transformation of life. It is essential that we stop blaming God and loved ones for what is wrong. Often bitterness accumulates in the hearts of the sick and they do not want to renounce it. Another thing is to reject all fantasies and visions. They are interesting and absorbing, because they are information from another world. And it is in their rejection that the key to healing is found. If for some reason the sick person suddenly knows something, we have to ask him - or he can do it himself. How do you know that? Is this a confirmed source. Unfortunately, the extra-real source, which is the hallucination, is not reliable. Often, in the acute phases of hallucinations, people with schizophrenia feel as if they are under the influence of drugs. Their mind acts as if it has gone for a walk somewhere.

Another aspect of the disease is our family and friends relationships. It may help to stop posting on social media and searching the internet. Why? Because schizophrenia can be considered as a disorder of information flow. Both the dry ones and those with an emotional carrier or even subtext. The coloring of such messages flowing to us is sometimes spiritually distorted. Taking things outright can be very useful. Avoiding guesswork is very important. The sick person should strive to obtain inner peace. When he obtains peace, he will not be overcome by temporary negative emotions that appear in the family. The Catholic religion can contribute greatly to this state of spiritual equilibrium.

Schizophrenia is a relapsing disease

I recently had an interesting spectacle in the form of opening my mind to alien beings that have been selling me their history from the beginning. The story went like this: there are long-range mind control transmitters controlled by silent dark people who listen to your thoughts and torment you remotely. And this story lasted about a week. Maybe I would even believe it, but looking for confirmation for such a version of events, the answer was negative. No such or such transmissions exist. Who, then, could be behind this story, if not the demon who is currently tormenting the human mind and opening it for himself to pour his lies there. And I take medications and it would seem that they should be effective. Nothing could be more wrong, it can break down at any moment. On the occasion of this performance, my mental perception of my neighborhood and home changed. I also had an erroneous perception of objects as if they contained secrets. And these as a learned man, and even one who knows too much, I should know well. It's nothing though. The demon continued to search for secrets. And for some reason, demons especially like things unknown and hidden. When they catch up with their victim, they tell her that now she is especially disposed to know these unknowns. These stories are made up very carefully. It can also be done by implanting false memories. It is up to us whether we will avert such a crisis or not. Whether we give in to this pressure of unknown forces or not. Each relapse can be changed and turned off. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

- don't give up on your plans,

- stick to daily tasks,

- don't be discouraged by the dullness of the day,

- do not believe in fantasies and guesses,

- do not be guided by dreams and hallucinations,

- be very critical of the voices that come to your mind,

- keep things tidy around you.

Take your medications with care

Everything has its limits. Also, the body needs chemical boosters. Always treat drugs not as a magic panacea, but as means to help you calm down and fall asleep. A sick person needs a good, stable sleep. One of the most common prodromal symptoms of psychosis is insomnia. If you have such symptoms combined with irritability, agitation, a state of excitement, flowing out, etc. and you do not have psychotropic drugs with you, you should at least take sleeping pills and a high dose of melatonin. It will always help a little and sleep will be natural. If problems persist, try getting hydroxyzine or stilnox (zolpic) - it can be a bit addictive - from your GP. You don't have to go to a psychiatrist right away to help yourself in a crisis. Do not give up your job and responsibilities, do not avoid people. If you did, it could be even worse. Try to keep everything under control, especially what you say to others. Be critical of yourself, even if something in the back of your mind tells you that things are not as they always have been. Do not be guided by anything uncertain. Follow proven paths. If there are elements of deeper derealization, minor hallucinations, strange beliefs and ideas, you should see a psychiatrist. He will give you psychotropic drugs, but remember that you have to learn how to dose them yourself. Some, out of fear of developing the disease, cling to the prescribed doses, even if they tear them apart and make everyday life difficult. Try to adjust the doses so that you are calm, calm and at the same time able to fulfill your duties. There are drugs stronger and less. They also work differently for everyone. Don't be discouraged, if they don't help you at first, go to your doctor for a different one. However, there are several types. Try to take medications at night to deepen your sleep. And it is sleep that is the best catalyst for hallucinations, which in a deranged person could appear during the day. If you have long dreams, don't worry, they're just dreams, when you wake up, you'll be back in reality.

If demonic figures are present in your visions, tell the priest about it during confession. Some priests can advise well on these matters. Sometimes the panacea can be a short prayer written on a piece of paper in your pocket, which strengthens the will. The feeling of darkness and persecution disappears after such prayers, especially if they are recited meticulously for many weeks.

I hear God's voice - is it a delusion?

Because it is the truth. In your case, these are good spirits. At least they're not vulgar like many people are. For many Catholics, it is perfectly normal for God to answer them in their minds. I had it before I got sick, but then these black ghosts came and it wasn't so fun anymore...

I once wrote about a phenomenon that can occur in schizophrenia, that a person lives in captivity of spirits. You must remain free. With God, things can be freely negotiated and simply agreed, as with most of the angels who obey him. The fact that you respect what you hear is very important. Because you don't want to offend God. There are people who wouldn't even notice it.

God is conciliatory but specific. But he is definitely not just a tyrant who forbids what is most vital and romantic. Precisely because he reveals himself to us sometimes it is easier for us to change our confession. Some convert from Protestantism to Catholicism, others from Catholicism to Islam. Because that's how they begin to feel internally by carefully reading what the doctrine is about. And it seems to me strongly that you do not need to change your religion right away. God is in every religion, and he certainly looks favorably on every believer. Rather, we must strive for reconciliation, ecumenism. I don't even have any prejudices when I talk to Jehovah's Witnesses. Sometimes I just don't have time for it, but I admire that they go out in public and talk about nobody else but God. For many agnostics and atheists, even Catholicism is considered sectarian, mainly because they do not like Christ.

There are some mysteries we need to ponder over. Among other things, hearing such messages in psychotic people is proof of the existence of God. Without a doubt. The only thing we have to be careful about is not to get lost in it. We are like little sailors on a great sea where different winds blow. Some are hit by storms, others by light breezes. Depending on our sensitivity, both can topple our boat. But we must learn to manage it. Set course and keep an eye on the sails (resistance).

I often say that God will not be offended if we do not pay attention to the afterlife and fantasies that are just so real in this mysticism. Even if someone would call him shallow. We have to live a mechanical life. Rather, in the Gospel we are taught to share with others, to be useful to them, to take our own children home in crisis and even to suffer for the sake of others or to love our enemies. Notice that there is no teaching on how to meditate or talk to God. For most people, a memorized Our Father prayer is enough and all is well, because life is going well. A dream is a nightmare and God's faith - even Faustyna Kowalska talked about it. This also applies to anything that psychology calls hallucination (although that is an unfortunate name, more appropriate for a narcotic trance than a mystical message).

Yes, in schizophrenia it is even possible to clairvoyant, predict future events, witness paranormal phenomena, etc. The problem is not in this, but rather in our interpretation of these events (this is the metabolism that Kępiński talks about and here its most important part, i.e. digesting fantastic information'). Some people knocked it off their feet. When they feel that they are talking to God, they feel that they have a specific wedge driven into them that bursts them, does not give them peace. And let's not forget that there are various spirits in the afterlife, including the dead. Who we will meet during our adventures, we do not know.

I wish you a lot of inner peace and harmony.

Contact. Sensitive. Subjects. Sad.

Only the insufferable man carries demons around him and lives with them. Most of them are mute. But there are also oversensitive people who listen to the other world. In the end, sometimes something sticks to them and tells them. They are shocked and unable to deal with it. They usually have no one to talk to. A strange phenomenon begins to overwhelm them slowly, if it gains strength. You start to look at the world differently, pay attention to the signs. They listen to what this world has to say, what fate has to say, sometimes just a coincidence. Maybe someone who calls on the sidewalk is talking to them and about themselves? Many doubts arise in the mind and memory. We slowly forget our childhood. Time to be an adult. Will the spirits help me choose a partner, will I find a home, a decent job. These are already elements of spiritual dissociation. Disruptions and manifestations of other-worldly activity can lead us to a dead end. To madness. We become different, the family gets impatient, asks questions. Worse if we blow up, other times we tell everyone it's ok, but we keep it to ourselves.

This is the tragedy of many young people. Girls, boys. Where poverty and helplessness meet hell itself. We pray, but in different ways. Sometimes something pushes us away from it, because this imbalance is greater than trust in holy pictures. Sometimes we lose our faith and our religion. Or it swells in us that we worry about every element of it. It usually goes both ways. Or am I chosen? Or maybe I'm special. Then the promptings and premonitions become clearer. I know more and more. There are more and more of these beliefs.

Son, daughter. Do you want to go to a psychiatrist? What I? No, I'm fine. I'm right. I know they are here, watching me, guiding me. Who? Well, they. I've already told you. Father, call an ambulance, it can't be like this any longer. She has an altar in the room on the cupboard. And hangs the rosary on the doorknob, praying more and more lately. And at night I noticed that he was burning candles. Recently, she even said that she wanted to collect change for incense.

How many such and similar stories have happened. How many closed in themselves, how many passionate about occultism and mysteries, esotericism. How many of them had encounters of the third kind, visions. Dreams so real, as if they were already in another world.

And can this phenomenon be called a serious disease? How much mental dysfunction is really in this? Will they stick with it, wade through it, remember it? Will they control themselves, or will they go madly at times. Often curse everything around, misunderstood. Demonic torment must stop, we must fight for peace. That's why you need to take something to calm you down and sleep it off. So as not to explode, so that no one would stigmatize us.

How to proceed in the event of an approaching illness?

The unreality, breakdown and deepening feeling of emptiness are sometimes hard to stop. Misunderstood symbolism, other dreams and the voice of a guide... Sometimes they drive us crazy. Minor miracles can and do happen. Strange cases, coincidences. How do I stop this turnstile? In addition, the growing conflict with the family. No acceptance, no feeling of love, rejection. How to go on living? Certainly not easy. Maybe Satan has entered my family? What if the beast lurks in the dark clouds? We give up and we are afraid. Sometimes we lose sight of colors too suddenly. As we grow up, we feel that adult life is not for us.

Seek hope and stability. Here's my tip. Search for relevant content on the web and TV. Don't give up the media, don't give up reading new books. And don't give up on people. Because sometimes it's hard for us to find each other. Seek other people's testimonials. Sometimes a person needs peace, and maybe it is difficult to get it in the family. Reconciliation with loved ones turns out to be doubly difficult when someone has already diagnosed us. And that's what a psychiatrist does, often ruining someone's life. Unnecessarily. A psychotic crisis is temporary and can be a one-off.

Psychotic disorders are associated with the loss of memory about important things in life and thus the loss of identity. It is worse if only negative experiences remain in the memory and this unnecessarily intensifies the trauma. Schizophrenia is actually a clash with a mysterious world, some unknown part of it. Maybe fate, maybe magic. Many people are unnecessarily afraid of demons. Often the mere fear of the power of demons leads to some paranoia. Just like children, they are afraid of the dark, because they see shadows in their mind's eye and often hear whispers themselves. Hearing ghosts is a very common phenomenon. Often these have something to say, even if it seems to us that it does not make the slightest sense. The everyday and psychotic message is not very understandable to us. Not like in revelation, where there is a higher order of things.

When we feel that unreality is approaching again, let's take medication and try to sleep through the crisis without making a mess around ourselves. We also cannot become addicted to the flow of information, especially those from outside the real world. Let's not think too much. When we recall the facts of life and try to understand the message of strangers, chopping their language into fragments, let's be very careful. Let's not make assumptions.

Not only pharmacology

Our approach to the situation and interpretation of phenomena is important. Or rather, it would often be better if we didn't interpret them at all and forget about hallucinations and focus on real life. With small steps, we can tidy up around ourselves and find a job. I recommend taking the tablets at night, firstly in smaller doses, and secondly, replacing them with herbal and natural equivalents. My great discovery is melatonin. 10-20mg calms down and helps in stable sleep, when unexplained excitement and unexpected excitement come to us - which in this disease with relapses can happen quite often. This general arousal wears off after long-term use of herbal sedatives and sleeping pills, including melatonin.

Good therapy is working with animals or plants, or in a workshop, where we always have access to a bed to rest and lie down when a crisis might come. The atmosphere at home is also very important. None of the sick can stand shouting and incomprehension towards their weaker days. You certainly need to run away from hospital wards where aggression can happen. And it happens especially among young men. Such people are not interested in treatment and often claim that they are not sick. They often have a mean, sociopathic nature. Then such a light is shed on the sick and in crisis in general. And there is talk of psychopathology.

Trust known values. Often flashes of faith and better knowledge can lead a person to such a tendency that I want to change a lot around me, because what I have so far is no longer enough for me. So he's looking for something new. He may try to change religion, job, partner, place of residence. Often such radical changes are caused by psychotic disorders. Stay with what you know and look for deeper value in that. Perseverance is a good quality for a few people. Try to reconcile with your loved ones. Search for a new meaning together in what is already there. When trying to adjust the world to yourself, don't forget that the easiest way to do it is to change yourself. In the family, you need more patience - praying prayers such as litanies regularly can help. It is rare that someone in the family does something out of spite. They will rather whine to you that you should do better. Practice, take an online language course, look for a job remotely or earn extra money somewhere nearby. Unfortunately, there are few offers for people with disabilities and people suffering from crises. Do not give up. There's still a lot you can do. Mentally ill people usually do best on farms, where they have the opportunity to help when they feel better. The appeal to parents and siblings is simple: have understanding for the suffering person. Tame her anger, leave a sphere of freedom as the crisis goes away and there is remission.

I hear voices every day. But I've learned to live with them. The angel told me, for example, today. “Contact with us is simply considered schizophrenic. Beware, because you don't know when it will come upon you."

Schizophrenia - a better start

If you are after the first episodes, you must realize something very important. Stop arguing. With God, with the world and with people. It spoils everything for you. You need not only peace, but also peace. You can find this peace and harmony in the various content that the Internet serves. Listen to other people's testimonies. Many of them managed to get out. Read the Gospel. Instead of looking for fantastic series on streaming portals, buy yourself some books about spirituality, about schizophrenia. Start exploring what's going on here. You have to educate yourself, go through school repeated about life problems, you have to be a psychologist for yourself, control yourself, know the symptoms, seek support from loved ones, communicate well with them. If you feel that there is some share of hell in all this, start talking about it in confession, do not be afraid to go to a wise priest. Take the advice of psychologists critically. Dose the drugs so that you are calm, but not decomposed in complete sedation - many people stupidly take what the doctor prescribes them, and sometimes their condition is even worse, especially the negative symptoms of schizophrenia can deepen and you will additionally get apathy, amotivation, not wanting to participate in anything. As a result, there may be a lack of joy and fulfillment, just because you overdosed on psychotropics and you don't get out of bed. You will look worse and worse at your own body, and sex will no longer bring you satisfaction. Take your meds, but be reasonable. The treatment of schizophrenia is not about eating handfuls of psychotropics, but about regaining inner harmony in life.


It is possible after this important condition of renouncing productive symptoms and finding a place in everyday life. There are so many areas in which we can excel. I, for example, write and publish. It gives me satisfaction and I feel that I can help others. Someone else can sow vegetables and prepare herbs. There's a huge amount of things to do. Like reading books. However, it is important to have a stable view of reality. The otherworldly information is fraudulent, full of fantasy. So it's better to reject them. We have to learn to live with voices in part. Do your thing and ignore them. Stabilization will come by itself. Often the patient's family is hypersensitive. It's good to give the person some freedom when they're in remission. Then we can go about our business.

Don't worry

We know how he can be in a crisis and when we get the first diagnosis: crazy. There are too many myths surrounding the mental crisis. Especially that it's a lifelong diagnosis. Whatever, but the psyche is stabilized if we change our lifestyle. We need to plan some things for ourselves. It's normal for us to fail in relationships. Today, fewer and fewer people want to get married. People prefer to live alone. It's normal for the family to complain. Most of the so-called of the 'healthy' throws burdens on others with a light hand. Bullishly simple people get along easier because they don't care much about others. When you are young and new responsibilities come up, it can be difficult for you. Also, the intellectual effort that you put into passing school successfully can have a negative impact on your condition. So far, the requirements in Polish schools are high. Especially when it comes to graduation and studies. There, fraudulent practices are often undertaken to earn extra money for exams and bribes. The easiest way to do this is to require knowledge outside of your own curriculum. This is not a rare case.

In late adolescence, the brain sets its work on fixed tracks. This is when derailment can occur. Strong experiences with peers can take a toll on personality, especially the search for a partner. After all, it is known that in order to be socially useful, it is worth doing some work. And that takes honesty and effort. While for some people physical effort is not a big problem and they are stable, it can be uphill in the case of mental work and high requirements set by many company managers. After all, if you're working for someone mentally, you're under constant scrutiny. Projects and ideas implemented by you personally are improved. Your entire intellect is corrected in this arrangement. Not everyone can stand it. Accumulating frustration can lead you to various extreme emotional states, especially if you have problems with your own nest. Some people experience drama because they do not have their own place, counting on their parents and siblings, sometimes they can survive without a roof over their heads or with a loan that is hard to bear.

All this, i.e. all stress and frustration, prolonged sadness, unfulfillment can seal with psychosis and spiritual dissociation (breakup, dilution). In simple language, we would say that there is some degradation, a feeling of senselessness. We don't want to collect anymore. We only eat because we have to, etc., etc. Some of these people clearly feel that they want to die. That the failures that befell them accumulated. What overwhelmed them and they burned out, e.g. emotionally. Then they will say that they can no longer love.

However, some impetus is needed to change this. Also people with implacable hope - they really are. Those who believe, who say they never give up. And who trust that every depression can be overcome unscathed. Many people in crisis naturally turn to God. She entrusts him with her failure and her bad luck. Wanting to change my fate. This makes a lot of sense, even though it seems so irrational and unscientific in some over-learned circles. Look at it differently. Maybe all these years of school you were deceived on many topics, and the knowledge provided to you was inaccurate and marked by the atheistic ideology of some professors. You will come to various truths on your own, try to be an observer, listen to what others say. Eventually, you will find content, including on the Internet, and publications that can give you hope and a new perspective on your own fate. Don't worry, it's just mental. You still have a fit body. And you're not a cripple. Learn to see the positives and pursue them. Sitting in the dark only fuels your problems.

Motives of the disease

Motives in schizophrenia vary. The ghost lied to me that I was clairvoyant on various subjects. And that's not true. I can also communicate telepathically which is a fact for me and many of my friends. Rather, the fact that I could not communicate in my mind made me more susceptible to the voices that I began to hear from the spiritual world. Anyway, I also had a collision with the radio. Where the speakers answered my thoughts. Back then, I had no idea that the media knew people's thoughts. And even if I had periods that I knew it, I forgot and lived in the so-called matrix.

Thought cognition, real and imaginary telepathy, are common themes in schizophrenia and are generally associated with auditory phenomena. And there are many. It can be a voice coming not only from people and animals, but also an imaginary contact with plants or inanimate objects from which the 'voice' flows. However, this voice comes from the spirit that pretends to be in such situations and accompanies the person.

Other times someone has an imaginary friend - in English we say bogus. Others claim that they are being contacted by entities from another planet. For us, however, they will always be only - or for some even - ghosts.

Ghosts in their appearance are common. Of course, there are more exotic specimens among them, and schizophrenics probably fall for them. Some of these people who have a diagnosis, of course, have a different problem. The problem with keeping your personality in a uniform form. Hence, there may be a personality in disintegration, which the doctor may write in the notes about the disease. Everyone has a slightly different problem. I am mainly describing the phenomenon of demonic torment. But let's not forget that people sometimes have a burnt out psyche from other things. Even from drugs. What seems trivial, yet has a seriously damaging effect on thinking, perception and everyday functioning.

A year after hospitalization - a letter to a psychiatrist

It's been a year since the last psychosis. When I look at all this in retrospect, I think that I had too much information and that was a year ago.

Do the drugs work? The new Clopixol Depot that is now in circulation is very good. It could have been like that. It has far fewer side effects than its more primal versions. I am also very happy with this drug and will not give it up again. I'm a bit sleepy and sometimes I lack motivation, but I do the basic activities on the farm. Either way, at least I have inner peace. Which, in my opinion, is indeed an important good in the lives of schizophrenics.

The spiritual world has calmed down. I am not 100% free from it, but I do not have strong hallucinations, apart from what we would call normal contact with God. There is no confusion, and therefore I do not absorb delusions. In my opinion, this spiritual concept of the origin of secret information - lies has its raison d'etre and I am glad that I was able to express myself on this subject in the book.

There is a good chance that this remission will last longer. I feel like I've never been sick. Apart from the obviously weaker body and lower efficiency, I really don't have anything to complain about. I have been to hospitals so many times that I went through my school and my prison there. Let's hope I've learned something from this and that I'll be safe.

Spiritual darkness

It happens that some of the most sensitive people sense the darkness in their surroundings abnormally. It can be understood differently. Nowadays, it is said that this darkness is only due to the human psyche. But spirituality plays a huge role here. Sometimes even in gray weather someone can find depressive motives. The only way to do that is to surrender to God. Only He remains in the light. In a sincere ball of love that will warm and light our way. How significant it is that we will often go to a psychologist or psychotherapist, and we will not give these matters to God. Psychology and psychiatry, which deal with the issue from the side of the brain organ, are insufficient. Because on earth there are many evil spirits that hide behind mental symptoms such as weariness, doubt, unwillingness to live, lack of love, emptiness, fear and eventually even paranoia. This has been remembered for centuries, and since the time when atheistic psychology was formalized, the science of religion has been relegated to the background. Our temptations, inclinations, and ultimately addictions may come from demonic activity. When we go into such things, we move away from this hot ball of love. And the demonic reality comes to us. We can't keep falling. Therefore, it is worth giving everything to God with all zeal.

I once heard that it's human to fall. But already demonic in the fall to last. And another opinion that we must demand from ourselves, even if others do not require from us. Today, however, it is easier to go to a psychologist than to go to confession and receive Holy Communion. It would also require trust in Jesus and his Gospel. Which can be difficult in these times. The fact that someone goes to church or I respect them does not mean that they take the words of the priests as holy right. And so many people become convinced of 'this world'. And there is a lot of abuse in this world. While God's love is free and for everyone, everything in the world has to be paid for. Also for life advice and medicines that would lead us out of darkness. However, in my experience, psychiatric drugs lead to lethargy and cannot change the more subtle states that lie between consciousness and memory. Because we can often get used to some things. Just like many people get used to cigarettes, and this is just smoke inhaled into the lungs. It can give the illusion of calming down. How tranquilizer pills work. When we have life problems, tranquilizer pills will not eliminate the problems that have already encountered us. Often people are looking for an idea how to change their lives without the participation of God. However, with the participation of God and the Christian religion, it is much easier. No additional drug is needed then. Because drugs enter spiritual fields, which in a normal situation are reserved for the Spirit of God. Then the short-term mental joy, or rather its illusion, overshadows the real happiness of life.

The spiritual darkness that many people feel is not just psychological depression, which can be remedied with antidepressants. It is like the vestibule of hell already here on earth, and it can attack very different people. Also those who seek God and want to live in joy. This darkness is combined with doubt, which is the opposite of faith. It is associated with a prolonged sadness that contradicts hope. And also the feeling of rejection and lack of acceptance. Someone who feels the love that comes from God fills many gaps in their lives with it. Wherever you do not feel love from people, you have resources of invisible feelings that come from God. Then a sphere of transcendence arises between the human and the divine person. When this connection and bond are absent, there is a void that is dominant in the demonic world, as well as overwhelming hopelessness or contentiousness. When we lack hope and other graces from God, we can start to seek comfort in drugs, in sex, in pornography, in alcohol, in gambling, in food. In all those things that we must limit or that it is better to renounce completely. Such an element of asceticism is needed to unite with God even more and find happiness in Him, and not in what the world proposes and advertises. Someone who believes, renounces the world and intrigues, and puts his hope in the family and maintains good order. If there were no asceticism and rules, we would drown in garbage. We would kill our enemies instead of forgiving them, and we would not go to school and work, and instead we would live by stealing. That would be anarchy. This is what the world would look like without the gospel. Good will is the highest value that spills over from God's will. Often, however, there are disorders, supposedly mental, behind which demons stand. They can attack us for years. And we will not see it and unknowingly submit to it. This ruins the lives of many families.

Rejection of otherworldly information

In a few subpoints I would like to describe what can be done to get out of mental illness, which is almost always acquired. We do not understand the world we live in, we do not understand various details and secrets. Often we cannot experience inner peace and joy. Or we are not in control of our emotions. All of this is called mental illness, and it is what it is.

There are also rare psychic phenomena such as hallucinations or contact with alien entities. As a result of not understanding this mysterious world, man reveals himself as mad. Although it is an extreme effect of some more complex mental breakdown. And what can be done? Try to reject the imaginary world. Throw away fantasies, throw away speculations, live by facts. And also look for joy and meaning in life. Find your place and strive for stability. Faith in God helps. People who believe in God and turn to him suffer less from depression and anger. In my works, I prove that the spiritual world can have a huge impact on the psyche, and although I focus on its negative side, it does not mean that these pressures do not have to be beneficial. If we accept that ghosts really exist in the mental world, we are dealing with a new factor affecting our perception and our mental, including emotional functionality. This is essentially a stabilizing factor. If the mere fact of praying can make nightmares go away, or make you feel better during the day and feel loved, how much easier it is to live!

Schizophrenic disorder is the result of chaos in the flow of information. Information can be factual and false. 95% of the information that comes to us from the afterlife is gibberish. To this you need to apply a measure of evaluation and assimilation of these messages, which is different for each individual. And you can (and it is necessary to get out of delusions) train the sense of filtering such information.

It is not only this disorder that concerns messages from the afterlife. But the personal relationship with the deity can be disturbed. Schizophrenics receive a substitute for contact with God in the form of contact with some more or less specific guide. This person may try to befriend a human or subject him to his captivity, and his main weapon is sending false messages. An experienced Catholic will simply call such a spirit the devil. Other believers by some being from the lower, mundane spheres. Or a being lost and looking for comfort among the living. Either way, we must reject this acquaintance, however comfortable it may seem to remain in such a relationship. These are the keys to healing. It is for these reasons, among others, that we renounce Satan and all his affairs.

Inner peace

In the early stages of schizophrenia, a person can be explosive. Very simple things can annoy him. Things that are not going well for him can especially absorb his attention. So it's good for him to take sedatives. After a few years of taking them, or even sooner, he will notice that the things that used to upset him no longer do. Because it will increase his resistance to stress. This, of course, involves some emotional indifference, but it does not affect the level of feelings, but just strengthens them. Emotional stability helps to cope with many symptoms of the disease. It's even easier to dismiss hallucinations because we're more alert - less disorganized internally. Anyway, this rejection of the fantasy world is extremely important.

Lost in psychosis

A person who suffers from psychosis feels increasingly lost. Especially in the initial phase of experiences that become her participation. He does not know where the symptoms come from, and they are shrouded in mystery. Hallucinations certainly do not come from the patient's imagination, but they confuse the healthy imagination. Such a person feels persecuted by unknown powers.

In the spiritual world, these are subtle and mental matters. Of course, these things can get serious and there can be paranormal phenomena as well. The spiritual world, however, is a world of thoughts, dreams, visions and voices. As a result, a man is left alone with an invisible monster that destroys his peaceful life. It takes a lot of humility to learn to reject this destructive part, while still being aware that it comes from outside and imposes itself on us to disrupt our normal perception.

However, psychosis can be overcome, especially if we reject delusions. These delusions, or simply speaking acquired lies, can significantly obscure the real world. Anyway, the whole fantastic world that a sick person sees and feels when he speaks to them is full of lies every time and does not fit into our lives. Resistance to productive symptoms always gives positive results.

Information inaccessible as a weapon of the evil spirit

It is often the case that a person who has contact with spirits does not know something. And it happens that a poor spirit starts a dispute on this or that topic, about which the modern man has no idea. Sometimes ghosts tell us about invisible discs, about teleporting discs and powerful - huge ones. And he tells people that they can attack us. And also that there may be species alien to man that are driving this practice. Indeed, there were times when people were made into three-toed and deathly pale mutants. But that's just for the disinformation that humans built the U.F.O. . This is post-war history. That they came up with such technologies. And that they could reach as far as the Sun or far into space. And that they could have conquered other planets long ago.

Satan lies to man often, strengthening his ego that he will come - by listening to him - to breakthrough discoveries and saving technologies. To this end, he is to pay attention to omens, to signs and note down all the information he hears. Which often mean nothing and are supposed to lead him to schizophrenia. Only a young, open mind, without schools, will negate the devil and discover the simplicity of physics and its true possibilities. When a small child disassembles radio and television equipment, he often comes to better conclusions than an old engineer who is taught about losses and parasitic properties. He will connect the equipment in such a way that it will work even without power or its parameters will improve drastically. This is the case with children who are not limited by the paradigms of science. And that's why, the more you learn in schools, the more you limit yourself if you don't practice. Because you can do otherwise, but will you still get to it if Satan starts lying to you about the most basic things? Theory alone won't do anything.

So what is this information secret to us today? They are because the world and people have sinned. And nobody serious wants to share them. There is no mention of possible mutations, of plants mixed with animals. About vehicles with strange properties. About growing viruses, about growing bacteria, and about chemical weapons of all kinds. About electronic puzzles, about devices that can break the basic laws of chemistry. Defy the balance between mass and geometry. Deny substances and their colors. Everything that is forbidden and seemingly impossible becomes the domain of demonic thoughts. Seasoned with lies about morality, everyday temptations, curses, it is the everyday life of people who are mentally tormented.

In addition, demons use their strange language to spice up their torments. And they say things that no normal person wants to hear, worsening the condition of a person subjected to their pressure. They combine topics that are unrelated to each other, turning them into puzzles that we cannot decipher. They can combine religious and technical concepts, or fairy-tale and everyday. They may invent or use words that we basically don't know or don't know their definitions. It even happens that ghosts, possessing a person, using glossolalia speak in ancient and forgotten languages. So that every psychologist would be tempted to say that our condition is poor and who knows if it should change for the better at all. Because the use of these languages seems even amusing to the tormented, and they may exacerbate such states of their own free will. This is not a rare case.

It is often the case that a person takes various substances, drugs, boosters, poisons. These things were known before and not for nothing were banned because they did not bring any benefit to society. Satan likes drugs. Why? Because an unreal mind, weakened in reason, is easier to break. It all seems like a game and fun. Contact with powers. However, it ends up with a broken life and abandonment of our most important duties. And what to talk about dreams and discoveries that we are entitled to in God.

False telepathy and other problems of schizophrenia

I have dealt with mean spirits many times, who, being very intelligent, draw you into their intrigues. Yesterday they pretended that I had remote contact with some people through my computer. He does use telepathy sometimes, and I almost fell for it.

However, the good God made me realize it after a few hours. It was a strange experience, because the alleged contact with people was very real - remote, telepathic. It is through false or disturbed telepathy that many sick people suffer. Whether they are believers or not, they are attacked by these demons. They are relentless in this. It takes a lot of grace for them to let go.

It is so strange that modern computers meet the standards and do not send back the signal themselves, although they read it very strongly.

That same day, I saw a huge devil come into the church. He was about 30 meters. He said that he is the main devil of Poland and his main task is to be anti-clerical and to discourage priests. There were other spirits attacking the church, such as sexual fornication, and they showed distasteful visions during mass. For a moment an inscription appeared above the altar: convert or you will all get schizophrenia.

Although I was convinced that I had already recovered from schizophrenia, the evil spirit and hell continued to attack. It is enough to get sucked into the false world of spirits and the head gets full again.

Doctors often talk about these things as if they were the patient's fault. However, these things do not result from the patient's will at all, but only foreign forces disturb his perception. Some people are not sensitive to it, and others the opposite - it catches their attention. This is one of the reasons why schizophrenia is said to be a disease of hypersensitive people. With time, however, you can learn to resist them with willpower and repel even the more advanced attacks.

Rejection of inspiration is very helpful in this. Some individuals also have a tendency to meditate, e.g. after waking up in the night. Such thinking can lead to misinterpretation. Human intentions, signs and signals can be misunderstood. Taking sleeping pills and sedatives helps reduce the irritability that accompanies a lack of sound sleep. The disadvantage of hospital treatment is the ill-considered dosing of drugs that are supposed to maintain such a condition. Collapse with sedative drugs leads to apathy, lack of motivation - even laziness. After a few years of taking it, you may end up giving up any social or family activities. Such a person's talents then remain unused. And constantly eating neuroleptics in the hope that it will change something for the better can lead to depression.

The human psyche likes a fixed order around itself. If we live in a specific system of the day and have our various fixed places for a long time, it is easier for the body when it would be out of tune. This is why some people are highly susceptible to sabotage. When they see items rearranged or missing, they become unnecessarily suspicious. Sometimes it can make a person paranoid.

Severe mental illness of satanists.

Unfortunately, it happens among people who enter Satanism that they think that they control their life situation and what they do. However, their actions resemble demonic torment and control. The demon with their hands performs evil works, and in very different forms. Their disease is mainly about getting used to the demon. And often imaginary. True spirits do not act like humans, nor even intend to do so. They are interested in the spiritual and psychic world, the existence of heaven and hell. They support it and they care for it. They can change inspirations or cause disease. But they are not terrorists like humans.

People, unfortunately, worship the devils, and they do terrible things. Wars are not about putting up this or that banner or symbol for your actions. But it's about what you actually do and what your plans are for countries and for humanity. And they are often bad plans. Like building death camps. Such cases are known. Various books were written, many of them were converted bibles, etc. This in itself is not so terrible, but please look at the effects of activities in biological space. All kinds of wounds, self-mutilation, bringing misfortunes and accidents, building mechanical units of hell and supposedly military bases, but actually terrorist. This was unavoidable all over the world and Satanists are very much associated with it. It was not uncommon for them to take entire cities under their control and severely distort the order there into a very unbalanced chaos. Therefore, the natural family declined.

These cases of wars by Satanists, their terrorist attacks and in different religions have been known for centuries. Our religion is just fodder for them to turn it around. Nothing else. They can invert the cross as they please, they can twist the gospel, create their theories and write books of magic. Even make typos or release your rosaries. This should not scare us. Because we know the gospel and it will stand forever. There are also many updates to it from the lives of the saints. There have been many apparitions since then, and much Jesus and Mary, as well as other saints, have done for the world. Even I myself had an epiphany at a very young age, just when I thought the world was doomed. God came and taught. And also he acted with power and removed a lot of evil from the world. And there's just a part left that we humans just have to remove.

Is a nuclear attack possible? It actually is, but it's getting weaker and weaker. Because few know how to produce these bombs at all and how to launch them, and many old ones have been collected and disposed of. There are also various places where we find bullets and mines, and even dens where conventional weapons are manufactured, repaired and put into use on the black market. And that too will be stopped. Special services from all countries have an information system that stops such attacks and preparations for them. And they will secure us so that nothing big will blow up and scare us.

I've seen different hell squads. And older and newer. And they still worked. Even many things that seemed natural, such as tsunamis and volcanoes, or hot air, lack of rain, strong winds and severe frosts, were caused by man. But everything bad, even riddle bombs and shrinking devices or dilation controllers, can be found and dismantled so that they do not harm people.

Satanists like puzzles and their activities often involve a criminal side. And it's very nasty. Mental illness is definitely strong here. Because they are driven by autosuggestion. Evil spirits do various kinds of damage, but mostly psychological. They encourage evil deeds, yes, but they are not terrorists themselves and it is not worth listening to them. People who delve into Satanism should be treated psychologically. Because it may turn out that when they get out of their problems, they will create a normal society. Otherwise, they are sentenced to prison. The police should not be surprised by the fact that magic is used for theft or poisoning, or methods of sabotage and the use of UFO disks. All this is inscribed in their activities and is also subject to punishment. Because there are people who think that if they use strange methods, outside the pool of known crimes, they will remain elusive. Unfortunately, that's not how it works. For the mere possession or attempt to build a UFO disk, there should be a penalty. Similarly for teleportation theft or printing and propagating magical content. Zoophilia and pedophilia, which is related to this and is based on the promotion of some photographic materials, similarly.

It seems to us that some people just do tattoos or introduce a new way of social life. With pornography and orgies, life outside the family and out of control. For example, in threesomes, with different partners. There are people involved in psychology who praise divorce and beating their own children. All of them are also involved in the evil propaganda of hell. It is better to listen to priests who know more about the family and the upbringing of children, because they watch and listen enough in their parishes.

Someone maybe collects books about bad things, detective stories and collects devilish music and games. He collects videos of criminal activities. And he thinks it's good. Get rid of it. It's useless. This is not an x archive where such data can be stored. Nothing to get excited about here. It's not worth living like this. Go through some war recordings, listen to them. It can only be done for solving some puzzles, chasing criminals, but certainly not to maintain such an atmosphere. Sometimes children fight on the sidewalks and rape, just to record a movie. As if this video was more important than normal life. It happens that people trade some porn with their participation, sometimes young girls, and they think they can get easy money if they go a little over there. Not the way. Do good things, have principles - you will earn more. There will come a time when none of the elders will want to buy such films and recordings, because they will no longer mean anything to them when they know other stories from the past. Curiosity about sexuality and its association with evil can be huge among young people, which is why there are many distortions. Why do you need it, if there were hundreds of them before you?

Others, on the other hand, think that they will write a theory that will disprove God. Or it will destroy the lives of angels. That they will break the dimensions, destroy the sky. And it's because of math. Yes and such. And they spend a lot of time on their concepts. There have been many such philosophers in the world. Sometimes they challenged the most logical concepts. And yes, they've come up with a lot of things. But none of them did the world any good. No matter how complicated it was. Want to be a good mathematician? Want to be a good physicist? Create for God, for people, for plants. When you are immersed in Satanism, you will not build anything great. Dematerializing acids, antimatter, destructive radio waves. They invented such things, but every next one will be accused of terrorism. And what will it give him that he will waste his life...

It is a serious disease to live with an evil spirit. And many occultists do. They wear amulets and believe in the absurd. They renounce their own parents. They are looking for reasons to cut themselves off from family and loved ones. They fall into a psychosis that psychiatrists cannot undo. The drugs don't work. They have an obsession and yet they sell it to others. They carry hellish powers, do paranormal activity, and say it's good. What's it for? They have already lost a normal life. They will never find a job. They will not understand engineering or biology, they will have a hard time learning. In the end, they will be treated and only the pension will be left for them to live on. Such people are incapable of even the simple mechanical work that I recommend for mental illness. Occultism is based on some imaginary mystery. And it's virtual, it just doesn't exist, and they will believe and say that yes, that there is, that something exists. No, there's nothing there but stink and gas. And they will believe in it and adhere to it, especially in times of the UFO epidemic.

There is no shortage of such people. And they are recruited differently, often at a young age. If there is a wound in a person, some regret about the past, satanists will use it to draw you into their world. They will praise some things, condemn others as if they were worse. For various, imaginary reasons. They will praise such brands, depreciate others. Because they have interests and you don't know it yet. They will promise you space and pleasure rooms, but always for something disgusting that you have to do for them. And so many lose their lives. Then he carries it with him, and one wound grows bigger than the other. Often, possession and madness begin to reach not only them, but entire families and their friends. Then there is a social distancing from such people. Few trust them anymore, since demons speak through them. But they messed up a lot. Yes, there are innocent tormented, even expiatory, but there are very few of them. And few of them are able to give it up, because they even like it. They feel chosen. And holiness is also about everyday life and all the little things you do for yourself and for others every day. Like sorting waste or taking care of firewood for the winter.

Demonic, depressive and sinful darkness

There are days when all around, in familiar objects and surroundings, and especially in the air, a strange darkness appears, seen not only with the eyes, but with the eyes of the imagination. In such a situation, people subjected to pressure sense considerable discomfort. It is difficult to name this state at all. There may appear indifference to sin, lack of compassion towards loved ones, sorrow for deeds, not necessarily sinful, turns off or excessively deepens. Or the temptation to sin is so great that a person feels possessed, although he is not yet possessed. This is an emphasis on the human heart and soul. And these are interactions of unknown matter. Dark and cursed substances that man does not understand and should not study. Because, as a rule, we should study what is clear, obvious and mechanical. Dark and unknown things are better left to exorcists and demonologists. They know better where the devil lurks and, more importantly, how to change this situation.

Depressive pressures can be significant and affect entire families. These times just happen and no one really knows why. In houses where enchanted items are dropped off, this can go on for some time. And not only destroy the peace of the inhabitants, but also introduce psychological disorder. This place needs to be cleansed, blessed, cleaned up, prayed for, and the mood changed to a warmer one.

It may happen that as a result of spiritual change, learned people are unable to work mentally. They lose inspiration, laziness and inability to fulfill everyday duties appear. Such weakness can even lead to severe depression and homelessness. In this case, it is worth at least changing your diet to a lighter one - more vegetables, less meat and, for example, try sweets. Perhaps in such places it is enough to take care of better lighting and make, for example, a larger window, glazed door, a larger chandelier and additional lighting.

In case the child has problems with demons, I do not recommend using candles and self-purchased incense. The matter should be treated differently. Namely, apply blessed water from the priest in the place of sleeping, and in time and may use incense, preferably tested and blessed, especially among those innocently tormented who complain of smells, gases and other unexplained phenomena.

If a child decides to be a Satanist or other terrorist and persists, it is best to throw that person out of the house and deprive them of pocket money. The matter can be settled in court. Unfortunately, evil cannot be allowed. If you don't kick them out, they'll kick you out, and there are many explanations for this, but many terrorize their families for reasons known only to themselves. And no normal family wants to go to prison for the sins of their children. I know many families where children, seemingly ordinary and good, ruined the lives of older people. These are not good angels with unreasonable thoughts who are haunted by something. Most often they are cunning and cunning teenagers, recruited in various ways to darkness and evil. Often through sex, bloodshed and 'power' in the criminal world. There have been cases of small children passing death sentences on the innocent, given big money and opportunities, partners and animals they wanted for their own enjoyment. Unfortunately, this sin has destroyed more than one country in its time. But there are more people of good will and they will win against Satan, death and darkness. And they will be proclaimed Children of God as Christ was proclaimed.

You can give your child many chances, but if he doesn't want to convert and gets into crime, perversions, drugs, metal, he should be stopped from it. And you don't have to be soft about it. Precisely because such persons prey on your love and your benevolence.

Confusion sown by satan and fallen spirits

As you know, madness does not come to a person right away, but is the result of various complex subactions. Especially within the human mind. The devil himself has no interest in interfering with human reason, because he often feels like a loser. But as a result of various perceptual and cognitive errors, when a person receives distorted information, it turns out to be his problem there. And often by other people. Because they transmit and encode this information. Whether by telepathy or by dropped objects - even those that look innocent. So the part of man in the torment we are studying here can be considerable.

The spirit is formless, it can take any form, and often with such a mind that another person proposes to it. So also the spirit can live in captivity of people and objects, and not only a man under the pressure of the spirit. However, we are talking here about occult influences. Eventually, this prison grows larger and more disorderly. This applies mainly to ordinary life, but even to the shape of the cosmos and the structures that are in it due to man. Which will undoubtedly take a while to clear the cosmos of such structures and traps that cosmonauts encounter there. Because they can even be psychic. This may be of marginal importance for the common man, but various trap-structures were built in space.

But back. It's easy to spot false information because it's so intrusive and obsessed. It forces itself into the human mind with great violence and takes itself for granted. However, nothing in the world goes unnoticed. It's the same with this information. They have an echo in which you can hear bits of truth, such as the very coloration that they are false. Such information about the condition of people, their past, their personal worth and relationship with God. So important things get twisted. This is how it is in hell that gossip is reinforced and daily devotion to God is overlooked.

You have to have a strong mind and confirm the news for sure, so that schizophrenia does not occur. Because it is their growth that causes delusions. Delusions are not permanent, but sometimes the devil bases them on seemingly ordinary things that have never happened. It is on the basis of this channel of information that people claim that the food served to them is poisoned or that they are definitely suffering from tuberculosis - although their lungs are healthy.

A man may ask himself questions: are there biochips, cyborgs, shrinking and enlarging matter. Is it possible to convert a human body into an animal body and vice versa, but the military knows the answers to such questions. What's the use of such inventions, if they only bring harm?

So people are often tormented by questions whether the world will be finite or will it last. Ah, if only he knew how many times the world was about to end and fall apart. If the sun was to go out, all plants would die, then he would understand that it could have happened many times, and our earth had withstood it all.

Non-schizophrenic cases

It is hardly surprising that vulnerable schizophrenics are mistreated in psychiatry, since the staff is prepared for the worst. Some of the admitted people are very nervous and aggressive, agitated, often after alcohol. And they are not schizophrenics, indeed they have little to do with schizophrenia. They have never had spiritual symptoms, they have not seen another world, their perception is free from delusions. And yet they are admitted to the ward because they threaten the safety of the environment. Oh, that's just crap. I knew a case of a man who had to be pacified in the ward because he threw a mug at his visiting mother and lunged at her, claiming he was going to kill her. With such respect for the family, there's no room for improvement. He was aggressive despite the medications and injections he was given. My nurse friend, on average, replaces TV sets in the ward every few to several months because someone gets furious and destroys them... Such people spoil the image of chronically ill people who are often bedridden, unwilling to live, living in depression, they wouldn't hurt a fly . The only aggression they show may be self-hatred and the desire to end their lives. Unfortunately, the suicide rate among diagnosed people is very high. Often such people want to honestly end their lives, but do not know how to achieve it. In addition, they usually do not show aggression towards the environment, they are rather worried about their own condition. They are unable to accept that they suffer from unreality, voices and delusions. Initially, such people still trust doctors, but hearing that their disease may never end, they are really fed up. It rarely happens that a person fully agrees to treatment and somehow functions. Most often, schizophrenia means loneliness and misunderstandings with family and doctors who, by dispensing psychotropics, somehow earn on our misery. If everyone was fine, if they didn't feel the pressure of hell, the doctors would have nothing to do. The mental state of Poles, however, is getting worse. The complexity of the world and the availability of drugs contribute to this. It is not far from the truth when some of the people persecuted by the spiritual world see a threat in new radio and telecommunications technologies. Being spied on by these systems is an everyday reality today. The camera is in every window, mirror or screen. And they are installed today even in the shower. An ordinary TV antenna is so sensitive in the immediate vicinity that it can record even our imaginations together with the TV set, and the VHF radio registers and sends our thoughts to the world, including the voices we hear in our heads. Some people call this system a matrix because the public is not informed about these things, and the radio electronics seldom happens to discover these things by accident. It has come to the point that current computers and smartphones are so sensitive and have enough memory to record our dreams or explore the spiritual world around us. So I understand those people who talk about the dangers of electronics. The post-war electronicization expanded the listening system to the point of absurdity, and computers only made the situation worse. However, the Internet gives us the freedom to exchange ideas. Today, anyone can publish and create. There are many people who honestly share what they have discovered for the benefit of all. Wish there were more people like that.

Psychiatrists' descriptions

What a patient can find in epicrisis when leaving the hospital is very often inadequate to what he has experienced and done. so-called the concise course of the disease happens to be written hastily and carelessly. It is often the case that none of the doctors really know what the patient is all about. And even the best psychotherapist fails to understand what a psychotic person believes and what is the stage of his psychosis. What happens is that the person has a confused picture in psychosis. Some of his stories are real and some are imaginary. You have to be an expert to spot it. It also happens that when schizophrenia strikes and a relapse begins, the person under pressure does not want to talk at all and withdraws into himself. In such cases, it happens that her affect is recognized as inadequate. This is usually a strange emotional state. Most often, however, epicrisis does not describe the heart of the matter, and exaggerates the decay of the psyche. True healing from psychosis is possible and medication is not enough, and the patient needs to change the whole lifestyle. If the immediate family becomes interested in the problem and mobilizes the patient to keep order and maintain daily chores, a lot can be done. Although it must be admitted that a person with a diagnosis sometimes needs angelic patience. Not only is she attacked by a mysterious world, it happens that the family also hangs dogs on her for any reason.

Second reality

Difficult to understand states may appear in a sick person, in which he participates in another, different, imaginary life. Then the loved ones become doubles, the town where she lives is in another country as an enclave, or it turns out that she was transported to another planet that was conquered by humans. It's very hard to live with such delusions. But only the closest people see it. A person can be quite comfortable with it, as if he has discovered something new. But a man becomes misunderstood by the environment. Psychosis, however, is about unreality. There is always something that stings the patient and what seems to him strongly. And it seems because such information reaches him, and very clearly. As if clairvoyant on various subjects and became the discoverer of something that was deceitfully hidden from him. Such a man begins to learn about more and more secrets. And they are all terrible delusions. Because the information that reaches the person is, in short, untrue. Doctors and scientists spread their hands helplessly, saying that they do not know the source of these revelations, but it seems to me strongly that they may be lies from the demonic world. Because the brain as an organ is too weak to create other worlds. Just like dreams come from spirits.

Spiritual degradation

Every schizophrenic knows and feels that there are elements of mystery about his condition that he cannot fully or partially comprehend in his mind, even when he is in remission and everything is going well. What is the information that reaches him? What are the omens he sees? Where do associations and connotations come from? Do his inspirations and guesses come from God, and are they true? Such questions are asked by schizophrenics who experience the world differently. That someone is in the final stages of psychosis and behaves differently is the tip of the iceberg of who others see. Every day, however, psychotic people come to spiritual decay, one can say putrefaction, embellished with a large dose of emptiness and inner darkness. And it's different for everyone. There may be a considerable temptation that the person is endowed with an additional charisma. Because she knows very well that she has contact with some spiritual world. But which one? Often devilish. And you shouldn't see it so monstrous. Rather, they are poor spirits, indifferent to the world, mindless, messy, crazy, and yet surprisingly still endowed with incredible intelligence, much greater than human. But they exhibit the qualities I'm talking about here on an emotional level. When one comes into contact with such a spirit, a person can fall into a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness of life, its aimlessness, for no rational reason. This is used by the demons to convince him of suicide. The evil spirit does not give hope, but rather steals it and convinces a person to lose. But back to the feeling of charisma, as in hell everything is reversed, so are mockingly pseudo-charismas. Spirits have knowledge of reality, and from a few examples, they can trick a person into being clairvoyant. That he is receiving a message from the afterlife, that he has a revelation. He tells the person to pray in such a way that he prays for imaginary problems, so that he will be disgusted with the prayer in the future. The evil spirit interferes in life in various ways. Most of the time, he doesn't talk about himself at all. In others, he poses as a person he is not at all for better disguise. As my life testimony, I can only warn you that the spirit world cannot give you any special gift while still alive. That he will rather deceive and deceive you. Leading to hopelessness, wandering, fixed lies, false opinions, absurd guesses, unwanted emotions, strange beliefs. All this dereism (unreal state of mind) and warped emotions are actually a medical condition described as depression, bipolar disorder or psychosis. As a result, a gap appears in human life, which is a deep waste of time that a person could devote to many topics that could develop him. That's all the spirits can give. And they give, left and right.


In the initial stages of psychosis, there may be psychomotor agitation, which is unhealthy. A man is then broken and as if an unknown force drives him to action. In addition, his memory works worse and he takes several actions at once. In this state of excitement, he undertakes spontaneous work, which already testifies to the progressing disease. This may be related to psychotic perceptions or pre-psychotic states. Such arousal usually lasts until the patient is given medication and after a week or two the mood stabilizes. There have been times when this condition has led me to do things I normally wouldn't do. For example, I moved all the equipment from the room to another place. I also fought with an imaginary opponent. I was convinced that he was stalking me and that he had the ability to appear in different places (teleportation). When you add to this real paranormal phenomena that may accompany the sick, he is lost.

The longest I was healthy for half a year, then I got sick again. My parents did not believe my beliefs. This state lasted for several years. I was always a participant in improbable events, even though I stayed at home. For some, psychosis is associated with a sense of having a special role. Most of the previous cases take on a new, mysterious meaning. And so the gray everyday life becomes an element of colorful madness. This is due to altered perception, in which cognitive functions are replaced with a new version of thinking.

It's like having a computer program that usually works fine, but someone installs additional plug-ins so that the whole thing displays and works differently. And those plug-ins added to the perception program are nothing but viruses and malware. And the evil spirit installs such pseudocognitive functions, so that the whole brain works on different waves. In addition to the changed perception, we receive false information. It's as if our program, which does not work properly, additionally displays news that never happened. Today we would say "fake news". In schizophrenia, this is an infamous norm.

You can also liken the brain to a radio head. When it is naturally tuned, the signal flows from the senses, and the whole thing is tuned to the main station - God. However, when, as a result of biological ailments, such a head is damaged, it opens up to alien stations - spirits and from there it downloads information that does not fit into our lives.

I know better...

The worst thing that can be in schizophrenia is the attitude of a person like: I know better. With such a character, it is very easy to acquire delusions. In general, everyone has some delusions, but most of them can be straightened out and do not occur in large numbers. It is also often the case that a person does not remember everything. But going to live with it. The schizophrenic, on the other hand, falls into his own world. He knows better. No one will tell him that his beliefs are wrong. This may be short or long, but what the patient says often has nothing to do with the truth. Therefore, it is worth toning down the ego. Because everyone has their potential. Often, schizophrenia has a lot to do with false clairvoyance. The patient is convinced that he has an open mental channel through which he sees. He knows more. He knows strangers, associates them, although he sees them for the first time. He also has telepathy. He senses human thoughts, but unfortunately it is wrong.

The phenomena of telepathy and clairvoyance have been found to exist in residual amounts. Schizophrenia, however, is a mockery of these gifts. The evil spirit was able to convince me that I was fighting an underground hell and with one movement of my hand anything could change there. So he urged me to pray for the underground, because it is terrible there and people suffer a lot, and only I have the power to change these places. Similarly, terrible things are said to be happening in the cosmos, and only my prayer brings them peace.

The cunning devil gave false places where hell would supposedly be, so as not to pray for suffering souls, but for people supposedly suffering in labyrinths. And he tormented me with visions of these hells for several months, especially on Saturdays, so that on Sunday morning I was unable to gather myself for mass. The devil is a deceiver. He tricks us with his visions just to steal our precious time and brainwash us. And what more can I add: he is very thorough about it. Each time before psychosis sets in, he acts meticulously according to a self-determined plan. At least that's the suffering it causes me when the nervous system is destabilized and I have one foot out of the world.

Quit smoking

How many reasons it finds to smoke. There is a shop not far from here and there on the main shelf of the shop, apart from alcohol, there are cigarettes. Sugar may be scarce, but cigarettes - never! That's politics. You're supposed to be a consumer. And to get out of cigarettes, first of all, you must not buy them. Cigarettes mean that a person cannot save any money, because a pack costs PLN 14-18 and hardly lasts for two days. Total monthly is at least 15x25 PLN = 425 PLN. So what's a good reason to quit. This money can be successfully put aside for later years. Cigarettes taste good and it's very easy to get hooked on them. It is enough to buy a pack a few times and start smoking with pleasure. You have to buy it later. Because it's in your head all the time that you have to smoke. That's why so many people smoke. Because he can't stop because it's a drug. A drug that spoils the lungs at the expense of temporary peace and contentment - the dopamine pathway. And that's what we miss when we take drugs. You can go to heaven without cigarettes, so why buy them? Note: In August 2022, I successfully quit smoking after 5 years of smoking. The excuses that you can smoke when you're mentally ill and that it drives away demons are over. I'm not going to act like the first thug from the store. So what if 90% of people with mental health problems smoke. Does each of us have to include infamous statistics?

Bad ghost

I went to smoke a cigarette today, but a resolution began to form in my heart that I would definitely quit smoking. The evil spirit appeared in the corner and said: Do you think you can beat us? - That's what I think. - You can't do it, you'll drink and smoke anyway. Spirit concluded. Such messages and provocations are an everyday occurrence among paranoids. But...

Even on Catholic websites that explain the origin of the messages received by the sick, one can read that they are a figment of the patient's imagination. It is not explained that they come from the outside, because it would have to be said that they come from ghosts, which is inconvenient even for Catholic portals. In this way, they hide the evil spirit, and it can act freely. Even if such people call for spiritual help ... It is better to describe the problem from the point of view of biological tissues. Who needs a spiritual world, since the entire Enlightenment science was created by ardent atheists. Because it is often the case that new theories are created by people who rebel against God. This progressive psychologization of the first atheist psychiatrists affected the church. And where there is a spirit in nature, it is crossed out, describing all these events as delusions.

For them, the doctrine of the forbidden apple and the doctrine of the salutary action of the cross and the Passion of Christ will always remain foolish. Someone more humble, however, looking at these examples, wonders: what does the Lord God want to teach us through this? and can draw much more conclusions than the one who throws himself at space and nature and tries to enclose it in one formula. He tries to enclose in mathematical formulas what is infinite. So, all in all, such an action is unfeasible, because a psychologist, naturalist or one who describes the cosmos will sooner or later encounter the Almighty God.


Psychosis should be treated as a cause of nervous disorder, but most often it is difficult to investigate in this direction. Certain social processes, unfortunately, cause mental disorders. Difficulties learning, struggling at work or emotional experiences - trying to create a relationship is important for some. Financial problems. All this can contribute to mental weakness, which is the ground for further decay.

However, psychoses are so puzzling and strange that the participation of the demonic world cannot be overlooked. Based on my many years of observation, I can say that schizophrenia consists of three basic factors.

1. Social - psychological basics,

2. Disregulation of the nervous system and its damage,

3. The pressure of the spiritual (demonic) world.

What man can do is regulate the spiritual life and chemically protect the nervous system. Because mental and social habits are the most difficult to change, although many people try to change this element first of all - for example, they change jobs, enter into new relationships, move. An attempt to change the environment by force may result in hiccups in the case of psychosis. Here it is most appropriate to take care of the third and second points. Although both are not easy at all and require additional reading and education. Happy are those who, in case of illness, can help on the farm and in the garden. Simple mechanical works as therapy in this disease work best.

High doses of antipsychotics can have drastic consequences for the functioning of the body. Yes, the psychosis will pass, but the other parts will fail. For example, the libido may fail, the belly will get big, in addition, it may turn out that such a person will be bedridden, lacking life energy, and to regulate the lowered dopamine, he often reaches for cigarettes. And the whole thing can be caused by infectious diseases like neuroborreliosis, toxoplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis, brain tuberculosis or tetany, or it can be a disorder like dopamine overproduction that doctors talk about.

That is why it is so difficult to fully heal the patient's psyche. Because it is not known what is the main source of the disease. In the maintenance of treatment, if something else does not work and the patient cannot tolerate the tablets, you may be tempted to use long-release injections - depot. Administered neuroleptics often cause drowsiness and stagnation among patients, and after a few years even depression. On the fingers of one hand, you can count the drugs that destroy the patient's life energy to a lesser extent. Therefore, their use should not only be discussed with a doctor, but also thought about on your own and taken in such a form as possible that they cause as little harm as possible, and at the same time have an antipsychotic effect.


My experience of psychosis was difficult. I easily accepted information about me that referred to untrue things. among others it seemed to me that my person was being broadcast on the main TV channels, violating my privacy. But when I turned on the TV everything was fine. So I figured they only play it when I'm not watching TV. I fell completely into this trend. I couldn't sleep at night trying to disrupt the system's broadcast. When I was taken to the hospital, I was remotely directing a NASA mission...

Or so it seemed to me. The patient's imagination runs wild. Memory and reason are impaired.

The demon changes the person's personality. There may be glossolalia, false clairvoyance, soul vision of hell, experiencing the torments of hell while alive, false telepathy, uncoordinated associations, long dreams, night demonic attacks with nightmares, hallucinations, increased irritability in response to stress. In general, this can lead to a false knowledge of the world and ultimately to losing one's understanding of it. There are open information channels in the patient, which constantly provide knowledge, making him crazy.


Another lonely night in front of the computer?

Many people struggling with mental problems mention the accompanying loneliness. Reason works worse in solitude, because there is no general discernment and discussion of problems. That is why a man comes to solve them himself, and if he had little of them, he can always start having imaginary problems. This is how psychosis works.

Anyway, where do you get your mind? There are many people who are completely undiagnosed and experience the problem of depression, schizophrenia, neglect of hygiene. There is a lot of mental pathology among people, and computerization has created a new problem. Addiction to the computer and computer programs can be deadly for the psyche. The same goes for gaming consoles. There are people who spend all their time playing computer games, forgetting about study and work. However, this is not the worst thing, but their ability to act in the family. These people turn out to be very unsuited to life. Their ingenuity is lost. And gaming fantasy occupies most of the fields in the mind. In the 1990s there was talk of an alarming addiction to television and emerging bad eating habits. Yes, only then did the children finish their plate. Today, they do not eat enough and run for a smartphone or tablet. And there is the Internet, and in it we can find any content. Is it worth occupying your mind? What will it fill our perception with. I'm not talking about moralizing, but from a purely psychological point of view, it's very dangerous. People think that the Internet is all benefits, because we can easily search for information. But is it really so, since every day on the web people publish so many messages about themselves, very private, they put pictures of their little children there. It breeds some unhealthy trend to being a sociopath.

Isolation combined with an excess of fantasy is associated with various risks. And the abuse of time spent in front of the computer belongs to these problems. It seems to us that we are in contact with people all the time, while a significant part of the computer and the Internet is artificial intelligence, and therefore some artificial, imaginary person. So just as in the collision with the spiritual world we are dealing with an inhuman person, so it is in excessive immersion in the computer world, especially in games.

Games are business. To add power to the game, you need to spend money. And everyone likes convenience. Most arcade or adventure games are designed in such a way that you have to pay extra to get to the next stages. As the conversion is in dollars, you can easily lose money that could be spent on supporting the family. In this way, we learn to unnecessarily shift burdens onto others. In real life, there are no boosters and turbo additives that would improve our physical power. Most of the known stimulants lead rather to exhaustion of the body.

How to help?

How to help a sick person? Oh, there are many methods. It is good that the sick person has a separate room and bathroom, but at the same time someone watches over the apartment. A sick person requires support in everyday work and it is good for them to spend time helping on the farm. It is important that she lives in order and has a more or less fixed schedule of tasks during the day. This lifestyle reduces the risk of getting sick. I recommend those mentally wandering, with mental crises, simple mechanical work, e.g. in the garden, so that they can rest from complicated thoughts. Simplifying your life is very important. Avoiding philosophy or religious speculation can also help.

Therapy should include activation. Because often the sick are bedridden. It's good if someone has a hobby that they can pursue at home or in a workshop. Because when sickness comes, everything begins to sadden a person and he finds no consolation in anything. It is not uncommon for schizophrenia to be combined with depression, or the treatment undertaken to eliminate it leads to it as a side effect.

One could hastily assume that doctors will "help" a sick person. Doctors are not therapists. So in the ward it's often the case that patients support each other and look for common sense together. And all in all, such influences turn out to be salutary. If someone has problems with alcohol or depression, there is no problem with reason at the moment. You too. The doctor basically listens to long stories, and his panacea will always be a pill or an injection. When a psychologist encounters a patient, he often turns into a listening machine. Because he has to vent somewhere. So overall, the dialogue between them tends to be weak. Anyway, what can a psychologist advise you, since he knows only the theory of psychiatric disorders, the principle of the mind - and this is also only a book, atheistic principle ... Of course, education about the disease and the so-called. recovery assistants. Often those who managed to break free of problems. But the sick person may still lack support, and doctors rely only on the salutary effect of psychotropic drugs.

Support includes, among other things, good reading, as well as testimonies of people who have experienced a mental crisis. It is important that the support relates to the spiritual sphere, which in times of pop culture may fade into the background. Healing through spirituality, especially the psyche and addictions, is possible and I strongly encourage you to do so.


Every crisis eventually passes. It's the same with a psychotic crisis. Of course, there are stubborn individuals whose healing process is superficial. Such people do not want to get rid of their delusions, even though they are re-educated about what may be true and what may not be. They are especially able to stick to promises received from the mysterious world or afterlife, as it is said. They can blindly believe in the promises of the evil spirit. I met a case where a person claimed that he had a contract with a demon that he could change everything around as long as he wanted, all he had to do was ask. And she sincerely believed it... The demon deceives in various ways. Here by allegedly giving power over reality. In normal reckoning, man prays for a change of reality according to God's will, asking. When the demon comes to the fore, he suggests that this power lies with us. A doctor would clearly call such a phenomenon delusions of control or reference. i.e. that we associate certain phenomena with the suggestions of our will, recognizing that we control reality. Hence the name: "ksobne" from "towards oneself". Another claimed that he was giving up his pills because Mary had dreamed of him and said that "he is already healthy", so he does not need to take drugs. There are a lot of such cases. I even saw a woman who openly claimed to be Mary, announcing it openly in church.

I describe that the patient has too many lies in his head. And that's a fact. If someone had a good view of reality, of what is happening around him, he would not have any delusions in his mind. Because delusions are no longer biological, but mental. A deceitful man has a weak basis for existence. And what is surprising in the largest trend of the disease - paranoid schizophrenia, there is a huge and current flood of delusions, as a result of which, most often there are some changes in the patient's affect. Under the influence of the observation of others, PR rescuers come to a person because their behavior breaks some basic natural barrier. It is rare in this episode that the person self-reports to a psychiatric ward. Most often, as a result of a lack of self-control, someone must guide her properly.

The biological detuning of the nervous system can be tamed by neuroleptics, but where it comes from is an individual matter. It can come from, for example, lack of sleep. Either from an excessively skimpy diet or other ailments, even concomitant infectious diseases. The spiritual world, in turn, which strikes such an individual, can release its powers through unsystematized religious life.

It is important that the patient is not alone and has someone to talk to. I've even heard the theory that in demonic torment, the demon tries to isolate the victim it's tormenting. Thanks to this, her worldview is easier for him to deviate from common reasoning. In order to fight delusions, you need conversations and repeated education about the world. Often, schizophrenics who have been out of school for a long time have pseudo-knowledge, drawn from suspicious Internet portals or pop culture, which as art is sometimes full of fantasy.

Faces of schizophrenia

My last stay in the ward resulted in various thoughts. First of all, there is no standard who gets sick. Because it catches less and more resistant units. But there are not many people suffering strictly from psychosis. Some of the people in the ward, in my opinion, are simply healthy, but, for example, they consciously drink alcohol in large amounts, just like you consciously smoke cigarettes. Of course there is a obscuration of this consciousness. But it used to be said that everyone in life has a choice. If he once chose to smoke, he chose to. Because it is known that it is difficult to break free from addiction. If someone fell into drunkenness, it was convenient for him because of certain states of mind that it brings. When you're drunk, everything seems more colorful. Just like with drug addiction. But especially some people tend to be violent due to this lifestyle and sometimes they need to be treated. I do not want to minimize the possibility of psychoactive compounds in leading to psychosis, but from my point of view it is not very mysterious. Because millions of people drink alcohol and nicotine, and it does not cause them unreal states known only in psychotic highs, in which some clues point to the involvement of demonic forces. And that should be clearly stated. For atheist doctors, there is no problem. For example, glossolalia. And they can be very strong in psychoses. I knew a man who drank himself to death at a young age and was conscious of himself and his history to the end. He had no contact with the 'mysterious forces'.

There are many indications that the spiritual world materializes physically. The demon merges with the human in his fantasies, but this does not mean that he is impossible to catch, intangible. Demons are material. And one may feel it as an x-ray of the eyeballs, another as tingling in the legs, and still another as tinnitus. Demons are not intangible, they are of other matter, non-atomic. Which we humans don't know. And it will be very difficult for us to know the bodies of the spirits, because they work on individuals. And each has a different spirit.

Of course, someone might ask, where would God be in all this, since demons anarchize so much that they can rule with people. They can, locally yes. And they insist on certain units exceptionally. We call this state of anxiety. Contact with spirits can be dangerous. If you are bored with litanies and requests addressed to God. If you are more fascinated by the spiritual world from the other side, you are on the wrong path. You don't feel God. He is obvious, for us he is a mystery, but most often we have contact with some group of the lowest angels that God sends for his tasks. They remind, give dreams, inspire, watch over thoughts. Schizophrenics have this sphere taken away. A deep pseudo-cognitive trance that a demon is able to induce proves its perfidy towards selected individuals. And it's just like the doctors write, a person gives up pills, goes for cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and it can be even worse.

Schizophrenics report that they are in contact with alien powers, forces that direct them. The last time I was in the ward, a person claimed that everything was normal until one night "something got into her". She was also given clear signals of what to do. The whole episode was heavily embellished with alcohol, which intensified the problem of unreality. But the problem was the "voice guide" who added this and that. And all common sense and wisdom ceases to matter. Because we who want God get his effigy.

My priest friend used to say: "Satan is God's monkey, he only pretends to be him". And he apes his qualities, but in a different way. Just as real angels give warnings, demons give delusions - which, as I will often say, are nothing but lies. A made-up fairy tale presented to you to fool you. Mainly by their shedding and growth. Delusions are like branches added to a fire. One has a small pile of them, while the other has a whole heap. The devil at the end sets fire to this pyre to make a man mad. This method is used very often.

People who are tormented are advised to pray, but sometimes it is more convenient to drink a beer or turn on techno. And such spirituality has a completely different shade. From here the demon has access. Unfortunately for us, prayer should be persistent, daily, repeated despite reluctance.

Demonic torment has a lot in common with madness. Tormenting leads to mental dysfunction, especially when the subject under pressure does not want to reconcile with the demon, but opposes it. Then the devil does his pixies. Spirit exists and has a lot to say in our lives. And those who somehow broke away from God's providence often have various strange problems. It is said that sometimes it can be various accidents in the immediate family. So that they cannot be logically explained that things are going so badly. That sudden physical illnesses appear, even paranormal phenomena. And we can be helpless against it. Renewal in the Holy Spirit indicates that such an accumulation of bad cases may be the work of the devil. But what I am pointing out - or am I reminding you? - is that madness is part of the devil's activity.

The treatment undertaken by doctors consists in eating neuroleptics. Which lower dopamine levels, calm down and at least should restore cognitive functions. Lowering dopamine levels is, in my opinion, a dangerous technique. Because after years of breaking it, you can get depressed, and let's remember that psychiatric treatment can be long-term. Of course, the body should be treated as a whole. We do not know if psychoses, if they are regular crises - in the form of regular attacks, e.g. every few months or weeks, are not caused by Lyme disease, mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, tetany or other neurological disease...

State of confusion - a letter to a psychiatrist

My mental situation was difficult to draw. Personally, it seems to me that the demon is lying to me heavily in this disease, not allowing full freedom. I treat contacts with the spiritual world too lightly, allowing myself to be manipulated and not knowing when I wake up in a world full of lies. With a head overloaded with a dense stream of information, all lies. This one thing I can't understand what the demon is dragging me into. And why does he do it this way. This whole schizophrenic thing of mine is weird in that respect. Because in recent years it has been mainly based on false clairvoyance. And sometimes I have a hard time figuring out where I am. I definitely miss the mechanical approach.

I know, because I've seen constructions in space, and they're really bizarre, and the demon caught me like I was participating in it again. Demonic cunning, it seems to me, also consists in a sense of mission, as if I had to convey important information to the world. So here's where I get greedy.

The fact that I sense demons is confirmed by my falling into strange glossolalia, which has been happening more often lately. I can't control my throat during these glossolalias, so much do these bizarre words push me inside my body, where I feel spirit control or not. I am aware in these glossolalia ultimately even of the words I use. And it worries me a lot. What language is this. It is said that ghosts know languages that humans do not. In that sense, what was happening to me was very strange.

Personally, I feel at how low a level of spirituality I am. I've felt it for many years. I am unable to feel the present of the day with the brilliance that accompanied me before, no matter how hard I try. This spirituality is external, like quicksand that pulls me in, and I have to save myself from it by blessing the still poor spirit. But he is already too much mine and he penetrates too much into me. I don't understand why that is. However, I can only guess the radiation that affects me and I don't know why it is so strong and why contact with it is so difficult. This hypersensitivity to radiation and squeaking that attacks me has a lot to do with this curtain of spirituality that I write about so much.


The website aims to educate in psychosis and demonic torments that hinder human contact with the real world.

This is the first version of translation, that needs to be corrected.

(C) dxer_87