My Vision of Perpetuum Mobile Devices...

This topic from medieval times is only a lie. Not why because it does not work. It's a lie because of other people's invention. They invented the grid line. That was energy and signal for society. In some of the time this ncludes television and radio. Often ppl said it was only to cheat and spy by the govers...

Yhym, that for real was the main reason. After years of practicising the govers and their spies began to listen to our thoughts or within additional box records our dreams. For them this was obvious. For us a secret that many in the XX-ieth century has died in suffer when talk too much. And this was in different countries.

Poeple wanted entertainment in their homes, music, dance and funny movies. From time to time technology changed and something new was achieved like television sets of any kind, radios, powerful radios, superb quality radios, digital one, miniaturized and with digital data. Even nowadays we can create ourselves some content...

So what to do with junk parts from those devices laying around? In my opinion the easiest way is to use their internal arts to gather, amplify and prepare energy for households, rooms nd independent devices like a kettle, heater or a stove.

The reason behind it is to be independent. Knowing facts grid sometimes may not work, its full of sabotages and hidden spy devices – bugs.

If we would do our systems to self-sustain and even go off-grid, we won't have so much problem around with data leakages.

In my opinion the most promising system and devices to obtain free energy are:

  1. QmoGens.

  2. Amplifiers rechanged.

  3. Solar Systems.

  4. Battery Magazines.

  5. Kapanadze.

  6. Solid-State Chains.

  7. Inverters.

Free From The Grid!